Hic Sunt Dracones


Hi, I am Tomo Bacinger, Director of Talent Operations and Cartographer.

Maps and visualizations are my passion.
Being a great engineer is multi-disciplinary.

Director of Talent Operations

I have 20+ years of experience working as a Software Engineer and Spatial Data Scientist and 7+ years of executive-level experience, which gives me a crucial strategic overview of operations. I excel in leadership positions, particularly in cross-functional teams.

My expertise lies in streamlining and optimizing end-to-end talent operations and overseeing entire talent-hiring ventures. I ensure that the talent lifecycle is efficient and data-driven. My paramount goal is to provide an outstanding talent experience.

My proven track record in modernizing and optimizing vetting processes speaks volumes. I place and match the exact right engineers efficiently and quickly through innovative screening methods. I take the time to understand the unique hiring technical needs, ensuring we diligently match and deliver the right talent for each project.

I leverage people analytics to drive data-powered and goal-focused decisions.


I am a software engineer by trait, focused on data analytics and spatial data science. I possess extensive in-depth GIS knowledge and a broad geospatial background. I explore unknown areas, bring a sense of data, and create immersive data visualizations and maps.

My mapping tools of choice are QGIS and Blender.


Email: tomo@hicsuntdra.co

Hic sunt dracones, or Here be dragons, is a phrase that early cartographers used for unexplored and uncharted parts of the maps.